Abstract for me!

The third week of my painting course ….see last blog for more details….and I was working A2 in watercolour and then cropping and collaging. As a reference for this work I used a photo of mine of a cottage on a country road. I approached the subject loosely and intuitively and really enjoyed the project. The work done by most of the group was much more abstract which is what they were into. These paintings are abstract for me! The course was immensely useful and really made me think about the direction of my work and what and how I wanted to paint. Pure abstract does not appeal, maybe semi abstract, I am not sure. I know I like to see and record nature around me and I want a likeness to be part of my painting. The images below have varying amounts of collage in them…taken from the initial painting after cropping. Really interesting to do but not easy…..What is ! But a challenge is a good thing. I think we can get stale working the same way all the time and maybe loose interest and inspiration.


Frosty, snowy salt effects in watercolour


A painting challenge