A painting challenge

This is the third week of a three week online course that I have been doing….back to school! The course is called ‘Painting, collage and how to express yourself’ and the tutor is Lewis Noble https://www.lewisnoble.co.uk It is an especial challenge as Lewis is an abstract painter. I am doing his course not because I want to totally change direction with my art but I feel I have reached a stage when I do want to paint looser and more expressively. He is an excellent tutor and encourages everyone to discover what it is that appeals to them by experimentation and by not having a picture in their head of what they want the end result to look like.

I worked very big on cartridge paper at least A3 and some times A2…very scary`! We worked from photos and just used charcoal the first week. Here are just a few of the drawings I ended up with and quite liked.


For the colour work we worked with a very limited palette of a blue…ultramarine or pthalo, lemon yellow, burnt sienna, black and white. Most people worked with acrylics and although I gave them a go couldn’t get on with them and switched to watercolour pretty quickly. I used the same colours and my white was an opaque white such as white gouache. Below are some paintings to date….three days to go. I am learning such a lot…mainly its important to do lots of work and not be precious about what you do. Well I couldn’t be as I had to tear a lot up for collage !


Abstract for me!


River walks September balsam